We are a multidisciplinary team with a strong willpower to generate a positive impact. Every single thing that we do, is made with the absolute utmost implication and coordination of each and every member of the team to enable an integrated and adapted perspective to every project.
As Urba, we design, plan and build spaces that go above and beyond the average restaurant or office. We create places where people live, work and where you simply feel comfortable.
The maximum attention to even the smallest details is what makes us create projects that make us feel proud about. This is our secret formula to make sure every single little thing goes as perfect as it should.
We present our services to a diversity of clients, from companies to individuals with very specific needs. Therefore, we sometimes work with outside professionals to enable a better and higher value in every step of the way and every project and, of course, to enrich our work.
Transparency takes practice. Our level of compromise with you and our mission as a company makes us practice everything from the most ethical code. As Urba, we will always prefer doing over speaking, therefore, we would love for you to see how we are a company which works about things in a different way. We believe in change from the inside to enable change in what does not work in the industry.
Design, we see from an optic view. Something that is adaptable to the people and the contexts that it is found in. To understand that the more interiorised we have an idea, the easier the transformation and creation of spaces that will perfectly adapt to the reality of their essence and the people who live in them.
Prioritizing the local scope (even better if they are influenced by other cultures) in our net of partners. To us, that is the only way to optimistically guarantee participation and positive impact in our surroundings and community.
Our vision when it comes to sustainability can be understood via different perspectives: marco and micro.
From the macro perspective, we translate this value taking a closer look to projects that have the least impact possible in the environment, from the use of non-harming materials the praxis off the process to make projects work or to lean towards timeless designs that will last through time.
Micro lens: Daily using of praxis and affirmations that we will now be sharing, in case you want to start using and saying them too:
All energy consumed in our project comes from renewable sources via Holaluz.
We give use to filtered water to eliminate all the plastics used in our offices.
We re-use office material, giving it as many uses as possible.
We use a green hosting that reduces the carbon dioxide emissions in our website.
Programa Kit Digital cofinanciado por los fondos Next Generation (UE) del mecanismo de recuperación y resilencia